ad-hoc support for tornado


May 18, 2012
does anybody know how to make my tornado detect ad-hoc wireless?currently my tornado didnt detect any ad-hoc wireless..i want to tether my tornado to my nokia n81 using joikuspot..
I am having the same issue, but with a 5800 xpress. Also with my win7 computer. The Wifi analyser shows there are networks, but can never connect.

I thought the problem using Joikuspot was that its a symbian based phone, and im yet to try it with my wife's Galaxy S2.

I have tryed all the different encryption methods available, no result. I have only been able to hook up to router based wifi.
I have done some checking. My tornados will pick up WIFI off a samsung Galaxy SII. I believe the problem is a communication error between an android tablet and a sybian phone. I'm running firmware 0619