Adobe Flash not playing Despite being Installed


Senior Member
Jul 9, 2012
Adobe Flash Player 11 is currently installed on the Acer A500 Tablet, but when visiting some (but not all) websites with video embedded, there is no video in the window, but a message saying that I need Flash installed. But, as mentioned, it already is. I know that it's been discontinued on Jellybean, but this Acer is still on ICS 4.0.3.
What gives?
This happens using the Chrome browser. Thanks.
If I'm not mistaken the problem is really with Chrome. First I would try Dolphin Browser to see if the problem still exists then I would suggest trying to uninstall then restart and reinstall Flash if the problem is still there.
The same thing happens with Dolphin...same page will show a blank window. Thank you for your assitance. I'll see what happens when I uninstall and reinstall Adobe.
The same thing happens with Dolphin...same page will show a blank window. Thank you for your assitance. I'll see what happens when I uninstall and reinstall Adobe.

In addition to having Flash installed and a compatible browser you also have to enable Flash in the browser settings. You may also need to set the browser to desktop client instead of Android. Then if you have a blank Flash window, touch the window once to load Flash and again to play the video.
Visited Photobucket today and the multiple installer feature requires Adobe Flash 10, and doesn't work even though Flash 11 is installed. In the settings menu, Java in enabled, but no Flash player is listed in the options.. I do have desktop mode enabled. This site Adobe Forums: Why is Flash Player not working on my Android tablet or phone? says to enable plugins, and here is where I'm assuming the problem is. There is no Plugins section under Chrome's Settings menu. Aha!

The flasth detection page in the link above shows that it's installed and working-at least there. But there are still a few sites where video windows are blank, and indicating that I need to install flash. Really weird.
Or you know, you could just try a different browser as has been stated ;) The blank window you were seeing in Dolphin should have a green down arrow in it to touch to allow Flash to play. Even if you have everything setup correctly there is no guarantee that all Flash will work on your tablet. In fact quite the opposite, you are very likely to run into many scenarios where Flash doesn't work. Videos are sketchy enough but things like Flash multiple file uploaders are even less likely to work. You should instead get the Photobucket app to perform such tasks.

Maybe I misunderstood, but isn't there no Flash support for Chrome on Android? I thought that was part of the plan to push into the great HTML5 future. This could be why nothing Flash related works when using Chrome.
Or you know, you could just try a different browser as has been stated ;) The blank window you were seeing in Dolphin should have a green down arrow in it to touch to allow Flash to play. Even if you have everything setup correctly there is no guarantee that all Flash will work on your tablet. In fact quite the opposite, you are very likely to run into many scenarios where Flash doesn't work. Videos are sketchy enough but things like Flash multiple file uploaders are even less likely to work. You should instead get the Photobucket app to perform such tasks.


I have Dolphin, but it's sooo slow at loading pages that when the Chrome browser came out, I switched to it and found it faster, and less prone to freeze/crash (though not entirely). Of the others tried-Maxthon, Skyfire, Boat, Chrome seemed to be the best.
Though I am hoping Firefox will get their Android browser up and running soon.