Album Art not showing in Music app


Jun 21, 2011

See the Title: I have a small mp3-collection put on the internal storage and want to see the album art corresponding with the albums. With album art grabber I can download the album art but in one way or another the Music-application isn't showing it.

I manually copied the jpg-files to the corresponding folders, named them AlbumArt.jpg, but nothing shows up. Anyone any clue?

Greetings, Dick
Hard to answer this question without knowing what tablet you are using, what OS version you are running on the tablet and what app you are using for the music player...
Well, I'm having the Huawei ideos s7 with the slimfirmware and the default music-app

Seems to be an issue with the default music app as I installed winamp and that is showing the albumart the way it should even on the lockscreen.

Sent from my IDEOS S7 using Android Tablet Forum
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