All icons disappear


Jan 11, 2013
Rarely... about once a week, all of the icons disappear from my Acer A500. The space where the icon was is still active. If I touch that spot, the app will start. If I reboot the tablet, I am up and running until the next time it happens. It isn't a huge problem, but I wonder if there is a way to recover the icons without having to reboot.

Your help is greatly appreciated.
Sometimes, when apps get updated and the icon is updated too, the old icon disappears from the home screen and the new icon will not be saved over the spot. Go to apps, and drag required icon to home screen.
This happens to me as well. But it's not just the icons of the apps that update. It is all the icon on the screen. For me they will flicker and disappear, showing only the background image.

Just to be clear...the screen does not flicker, only the icons. The background image is stable. Once the icons have disappeared, if you know where one was, you can still tap on it, and the app will start. Also, once the icons have disappeared, the screen will no longer flip from page to page, but only scroll a few centimeters. The only way to restore the icons is to reboot the tablet.

Since it's just the icons, and not the screen that flickers and disappears, I'm inclined to think it's a software issue rather than hardware. I'm contemplating a factory restore, but I'd like to avoid that if at all possible.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!