Amazon Books not in LumiRead


Dec 6, 2011
Am complete novice so please bear with me. Originally had Kindle reader but now use Iconia. Havent figured out hsw to get Amazon books i to Lumi read. All my books appear in Libraray ,some in downloaded,some in arachived. Why the difference? Be gentle with me:)
It's been a while since I delt with putting books into Lumiread, but what I remember, I used a file manager (astro) and moved them into the Lumiread folder within the internal memory. I will double check for you after work.
And of course the Free Amazon Kindle app is available in the market, giving you the advantages of WhisperSync.
johnhoward, After you get (if you don't have one now) a file mgr. go to the folders that the books have been downloaded to (probably somewhere in mnt/sdcard) and move them to lumibooks folder which is also in mnt/sdcard. They should show up inLumiread now.