Android 2.1 zt 180 10.2 screen and one old unhappy owner

Dec 14, 2010
Hi there,
I really hope this site can help me become a epad guru.
The epad starts up ok and you can see that the programs are running, but, the touch screen seems frozen. I will beg, and plead, and love you all forever if you can get up and running again.
i too have the same problem of the screen frozen. I have tried a system reset with no luck and tried running the battery down, i even started to take the thing apart but chickened out.
also i cannot link with my pc through the usb cable there is no reaction. other forums tel me to download usb drivers but if there is no link how can i use them, i am running windows vista 32bit.

ref the frozen screen i have just managed to fix it and you may be able to do the same with a firmware update. i was given this one from and the firmware update is ZT-180a10inch/androidfirmware/

Try the following Firmware first. :

1. Guide ( only follow up to Drivers install) ( drivers can be found in the 2. zip file ) - 10inch/android firmware/ZT-180a_firmware_guide.pdf

2. Firmware Flashing over USB & Drivers
Step 1: - 10inch/android firmware/

Step 2: Extract the rar file and go into the folder

Step 3: Locate the correct zImage file as per your tablet version and screen resolution. Models built before Aug 15 use 1024×576. Once you know which file suits your tablet, rename it to zImage (ie. Right click & rename from zImage_1024x576 or zImage_1024x600 to zImage).

Step 4: Run Burntool.exe (Note: With this version there is no need to go to Settings. As long as all the files are in the same directory as burntool, it will locate the necessary files)

Step 5: With the tablet turned off, connect it to your computer using the mini-USB port

Step 6: On the tablet, hold down the Menu button and then press the Power button

Step 7: The first status box in burntool should light up green.

Note: If this is the first time connecting the tablet to your PC you will need to install the included USB drivers

Step 8: Click start to commence update. Disconnect cable once complete and press the Home button

i followed the instructions to the letter and it worked the screen is operating again.

good luck