Android 4.2.2 updates


Jun 25, 2013
I have a Nexus 7 4.2 Jelly bean version. My tablet is telling me there are some updates to 4.2.2 I think. Whilst researching the Nexus 7 before purchasing I noticed a few articles about people having trouble with their tablet after they downloaded the updates. Problems such as low battery life and slowness etc.
I read another articile from some editor of a website who said he wouldnt bother downloading the updates as they were useless and were more trouble than they were worth.
Does anyone have any ideas whether this is still the situation and whether it is worthwhile downloading. I note Android 4.3 is not far away so i suppose there will be an update then as well
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Here's how leeshor answered a similar question in a thread a few days ago.

"You might as well let it upgrade. When the tab is brand new is the best time. If you don't, it will bug you to death."
I have a Nexus 7 4.2 Jelly bean version. My tablet is telling me there are some updates to 4.2.2 I think. Whilst researching the Nexus 7 before purchasing I noticed a few articles about people having trouble with their tablet after they downloaded the updates. Problems such as low battery life and slowness etc.
I read another articile from some editor of a website who said he wouldnt bother downloading the updates as they were useless and were more trouble than they were worth.
Does anyone have any ideas whether this is still the situation and whether it is worthwhile downloading. I note Android 4.3 is not far away so i suppose there will be an update then as well
Version 4.2.2 has been running on all three of my Nexus 7 tabs since December 2012 and is very clean and stable.
Thanks for the assistance. Update went smoothly and no apparent differences.
It sort of reminded me of that Jimoen joke where the said he was very afraid of computers and one day he walked past a room and there was a computer on a desk. He decided to front his fears and walked up and his Ctrl=Alt=Delete. and he said "the bloody room disappeared"
I have just taken some advice on this website and installed Pocketcloud. Thanks means I can access documents etc from my computer if I am away via 3G conntection. Basically my tablet is now like a computer away from home.
Really enjoying the learning experience.
Thanks everyone for all the help.