android app???


Aug 30, 2012
sorry to bother you I'm new to this site hope you can help me or send me to the right place for what I'd like to know
I just brought 5 Ramos w16 tablets and I'm trying to get games etc on them for my grandchildren but every time
l go to Google play and try to get something it tells me l need to open(Google Play Store app (the white shopping bag app icon) on the device
but I can't seem to find it anywhere I was thinking maybe it's not on the device at all and l need to get installed again
I really hope you can help me with this on matter HELP
There are some tables that Google does not deal with. You can get the GetJar app store or the Amazon App store. Both of these have tons of free apps and lots of games. There are ways to get Google Play on a non-Google tablet but from what I read it is a bit tricky and iffy at best that Google will even let you sign in to it.
Download the APK from the developer’s website. Some developers allow users to download the file from their websites even if they’re available through the Android Market. Depending on the developer, you may also find versions of the app optimized for larger screens.

Search third-party app stores. No, the official Google Market isn’t the only one. There are many independent repositories such as Get Jar, AndAppStore, SlideME,, Brothersoft, and Androlib. You should also check out the app stores created for specific devices, as they may allow you to search and download from a web browser, like the Camangi Marketplace. Some of these markets have a store app that works similarly to the Android Market, installing the apps for you.

Haunt device-specific forums and websites. If an Android gadget is lucky enough to have gathered a fanbase, those dedicated users are likely on the hunt for their favorite apps, too. You may be able to find a forum topic, FAQ, or a wiki with links to APK files for popular free apps or repositories. For instance, the users at ArchosFans have had months to find and test a variety of apps they can’t find in Archos’ app library. They’ve even created a dedicated wiki page for them with download links.

Google It. Sometimes the easiest thing to do is simply search for [app name] APK and see what comes up. You might find it on a buried page on the developer’s website or repository. Be careful, though, because many hits will come from anonymous uploads on file storage or torrent sites. Don’t download a virus in your zeal to obtain your favorite note-taking app.