Android Market: Can't see all apps (Autonooter 3)


Mar 30, 2011
First post! (Noob alert! :p )

Hi guys when I bring up top free apps in any of the market categories, it shows me only 20 entries; however, in the description bar it says 1532. How can I see the rest?

Also, having problems getting things to show up.
For example if I search for Pocket Legends (Spacetime Studios) it does not come up at all. I get a bunch of other pocket or legends.

Turn your tablet to landscape and you will see all the apps. You need to upgrade to the new market ASAP. It fixes this bug.
Fug is correct on the landscape thing. Well known, annoying, bug.. As for the missing apps, it's because of your version of Android. The market only shows apps you can run on your version, or at least what it THINKS you can. A lot of people sideload things that aren't supposed to work and find they're fine. Try to find the .apk file of the app you want. Google is your friend there.