Android mobile application developer

Is there any recommended software to develop adroid mobile apps without using the basic software?

What do you consider to be basic software? Java SDK + Android SDK is a bare minimum, I believe. I'd add a development environment like Eclipse, and probably a source code version-control system (eclipse has some intrinsic code versioning capability, but not as extensive as an external VC system).
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Is there any recommended software to develop adroid mobile apps without using the basic software?

I thinks its suitable for your questions .....
6 Essential Desktop Apps to Make Your Android Phone Device a Work or Play Powerhouse | PCWorld

Smartphone’s are the latest craze in the mobile market with android being the most popular mobile Os. Every major mobile development company which used to offer services for mobile application development has now incorporated Android application development as a separate entity...

Professional Android Application Development « Android Application Development|Android Apps Development at
I had gone through the post. Many latest features are added in everyday developing technology, The Java-based Android is a nice platform for the smart phones that support various application developments and also provide the good quality Android applications at affordable cost.