app for sms texting thru wifi only (no phone connection) to non android/smart phones?


Feb 24, 2011
posted in the augen forum, but not sure if I'll get a reply there, and someone with a different device might have the answer anyways.

I've tried cnectd- doesn't install

I tried textplus, it lets me send them to the phone, but when the phone tries to text me back is says it's not a valid member of the conversation- I've checked their site and the reasons they give for this don't fix it (I keep the conversation open and etc...)

I only have internet/wifi connection, so can't use the apps that require it to be a phone too.

I know there are websites that let me do it online- I would just prefer an app.

I just want something I can use instead of using up my phones text messages when I have wifi available.

I have an augen gentouch 2nd version with android 2.1 on it.

thanks in advance, and I'll post if I do find something.
Google voice can send SMS messages..

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I don't believe I have that, the gentouch's don't have any of the google stuff.

thank you for your reply though =)
is text+ different then textplus? I tried textplus and though it will go to the phone, when we try to text back it says we arent' a valid member of the chat. I looked up their site and made sure we were doing everything it said (keeping the conversation open and etc...) and it still didn't work. On top of that when I tried to create an account it kept telling me a username was available- then when I would try to register it would say to choose a different one cause it's not available. I found these were common problems across the web upon searching, so finally gave up on the app that maybe it just doesn't work well with the gentouch and certain other ones for some reason?
You can do this by using third party applications.
TextPlus is a free application for iPhone and iPod Touch to send and receive SMS. It enables true group conversations in text and seamless interaction between textPlus app users and their friends using standard SMS.
I use deskSMS. It sends my phone text to my email, and I can respond to them from there.

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You can use TabletTalk via Bluetooth or wifi.

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