App installation problems...


Jan 26, 2011

First this is my first post, so please forgive my rookieness. I hope to get up to speed with the ins and outs of my rooted NC by reading this forum. First question:

1. any recommendations for explaining apks, kernals, roms, ect....I eager to learn and do everything myself..

2. After using rooting my NC, everything was fine. The youtube app worked great. One day It started acting up so i decided to unistall, then reinstall it. I managed to get the apk on my NC, but when I try to run it a pop up window states " installation blocked, installation of download apks is not supported". I've tried using astro and es file explorer, and with both I get the same message.

I've even joined the appbrain page, synced through their app untill i see the youtube app, try to install but it does nothing!

Once again, I'm pretty new to this but it shouldn't be this difficult should it???

Thanks for your time.

Welcome to the Nook section. :)

1. Please see "helpful links" thread found in my signature of most basic questions.

2. Open Nookcolor Tools: check "Allow non-market apps", then you will be able to install any compatible app.