Appdrawer gets black - help


Aug 26, 2012

I got my new tab 2 10.1 the other day and have been playing around since..

Just love it for all that it's worth, but I stubbled upon a problem quite soon.

The problem is that once in a while, when i try to open the appdrawer, I see the apps for a blink but then it's get black, or as black as the appdrawer background.
If i try to tap on an app, and I hit, it gets started. Im also able to switch to widgets, and are able to hold on them to put them on the homescreen..

It's a irritating problem,and the quickest way to fix it is to restart the tablet.. sometimes it fixes itself but not allways as fast as i would hope..

Hopes that I'm the only one, so you guys can enjoy your tablet problemfree.. but hopes we can solve this problem!