Archos 101 tablet issues... New to tablets


Feb 27, 2011
I just purchased the Archos 101 internet tablet yesterday and from the very first startup out of te box it froze. I restarted it and that time it made it thru great. Then started acting up again. Here are some of the issues that I am having:

Freezing up when trying to do or use more than one app at a time

Apps library barely loading and when you are trying to browse the downloads it freezes up and also any downloads from it have parsening error issue.

When I am trying to update the firmware (says the version I have isn't current) it doesn't complete and stops at different spots in the download, first time 58% second time 78% and third time 38%

Games loading will cause the the tablet to freeze up and become unresponsive.

Starting up issues it doesn't want to turn on and doesn't respond to the power button and then you have to reset it by holding the power button for 10 seconds. . . .

Google sky map doesn't start up and causes it to become unresponsive having to shut it Don manually and resetting it .

Is my pad a dud or does any one have suggestions? Any are appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Do a system restore (or whatever that option is in settings,)or update it. Sometimes the archos,s need a system restore.
Nooo archos101 is a dud. I own one as well and ic no downsides

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Dear brnf2008, I just purchased the Archod101. I called their tecnical support and they walked me thru the firmware update. It works great. The tablet does lock up or freeze. Plays video, music, Apps with no problems. The only isue is the Flash Player support. You can download from the AppsLib and it work 95% of the time, then it will freeze. They are currently working with Adobe to release a working version, it will be released very soon. Overall it is a great tablet, very fast, great touch screen, downloads all Office files, email works perfect, apps work great. I had 3 other tablets that were duds, this is a winner. PaulWayne.
Does anyone know how to download Apps from other sources than the Archos AppsLib?
Also, does anyone know of a real time widget that runs worldwide news continuously?
Thanks, paulwayne
Amazon app store, but will require unknown sources. Other option is install gapps

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What others said about reseting.

Latest firmware is bad. Sorry, it just is. Lots of reboots a hangs and power problems. They will get another out to fix it we hope. The last firmware was relatively good, so there is hope.

Google sky map just doesn't work well on archos. Something to do with no gps and some other problem. It will load if you wait long enough, but still does not work right without a gospel.
Dear beastman, Thank you for the reply. Is gapps Goggle Apps? Do you have a web link? Can I download directly to the Archos 101 or do I have to downlaod to my laptop PC first? What version of Flash Player are you using? The 10.1 version hangs up somtimes. I do not have a problem with the latest firmware dwonlaod, works great. Thanks, Paulwayne.
Falls is Google apps. I followed the history from Bishop of technology. He has links for the viewsonic gtab. I don't know if the archos uses the same cm or gapps. You might need to find the sources using google. See for my android links

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