Are there many apps suitable for the Android Tablet?


Jan 19, 2013
I own a Samsung Galaxy S2 phone and are thinking of getting a tablet so I have a bigger screen to view.
While there are a lot of apps for the Android smartphones is there a lot of apps that have been written for the android tablet?
I also own an iPad and the reason for getting a Android tablet was to be able to access apps written for the Android tablet. Some apps have two versions such as Temple Run but many Android apps don't have an iPad version.
So, the iOS world has apps written for the iPhone and then apps written for the iPad. Why? because they have different resolutions, and the apps do not scale up.

In Android, because Google does not make all the phones, it is up to the hardware OEMs to decide on screen sizes.

What does this mean? Most apps are designed to scale up and different apps may not be required for phone vs tablet. Heck, some of the android phones have 1080p displays now.

The Play Store does not separate what is optimized for tablet vs what is not, but my best suggestion is to check out the Tablified Market app. It has apps that are optimized for the larger displays of tablets.