ASUS Eee Pad Transformer 2 Wishlist


Apr 18, 2011
Many agree that the Eee Pad is one of the best tablets out there for functionality in a great form; especially with the extended battery life that the keyboard dock brings and it's low price. It being best-selling next to the iPad is evidence of that. But what about the Transformer 2?

Since the release is expected later this year, a wishlist thread seems appropriate to discuss people's...well, wishes for the tablet. The Transformer set a high bar, but there are quite a few areas it could improve on to match other tablets even further. Screen resolution? Build materials? Sound quality? More ports? Bigger focus on portability? There are a lot of things to discuss. So, my wishlist. I'll start with the more obvious expected things.

** Thinner form factor (in relation to other tablets). Not that the Eee Pad is lax in that area, but it is relatively bulky in comparison to other tablets. It certainly isn't the largest, and is in an area of acceptable compromise, but ASUS can do better IMO. The GTab 10.1 is a great example of extreme slimness, and when the next round of tablets come out the Transformer 2 should be higher up.

** Front-facing speakers. This is more of a personal preference. The side facing speakers are nice but they don't project the sound very well towards the user. They're okay when with groups, or people beside the tablet, but during normal use the sound isn't as good as it could be. This is especially true when leaning on your side, and one of the speakers can possibly be blocked.

** Speakers housed in the keyboard dock. This might be a more dubious one - cramming more features into the dock might make it too expensive to be nearly as attractive. However, it would be a nice feature to have - whenever you're using the dock, having that extra kick would be nice. Perhaps a built-in micro woofer?

Feel free to post your thoughts and ideas. I apologize if this is in the wrong forum area, as well. Discussion is encouraged! ;)
Pretty straight forward for me. I've already reasoned that I would need at least 2GB of RAM in order to perform the level of activity that I typically use with a laptop (which I would like to replace). I'm the type that can pretty easily have 10 to 30 browser tabs open at one time. I could potentially lighten the load by spreading it across multiple browsers, but I still believe that having only 1GB would hold me back. 1.5GB would be more doable, but 2GB would be most ideal for me if I don't want to feel restrained.

The Transformer is easily already my favorite tablet out on the market today and I've had high hopes for the Transformer 2 for the longest time, but the lack of information on RAM progression for mobile devices worries me.
I do have to agree. Although Honeycomb tablets do have a considerable amount of RAM when compared to others (iPad, etc), they still could use quite a bit more. I personally don't like reading that my tab only has ~225MB of RAM left under normal operation. 1.5GB would be perfect for my uses; but 2GB wouldn't hurt either. I've heard Honeycomb treats RAM differently than others; and I gathered from what I'v heard that it operates fine even with very little RAM left. But It would still be useful, for sure.

Personally, I want MUCH better graphics performance out of tablets. Currently, the iPad 2s A5 processor just obliterates all Tegra tablets in that regard. It's ironic, really, considering that one of Nvidia's major manufacturing points is GRAPHICS cards! Graphics is important for flash viewing (if hardware accelerated) gaming, and high-def video watching (especially if porting to a external video display) and all of those are media consumption tasks which tablets are great for.

I'm also hoping for a lower screen reflectance rate - opinion courtesy of DisplayMate. ;) There is way too much screen gloss on tablets; I notice that a lot now, especially when outside (as I am when typing this message). Color saturation needs to be bumped up too (with the exception of the GTab 10.1).

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