Battery Issue Question (% Left)


Dec 29, 2010
I am rooted with Phiremod V6.3 ROM. I have noticed that when my battery gets down to ~30% my NC will shutdown and won't restart until charged. It appears that the battery % indication is incorrect. I flashed the ROM when at 100% battery and used Battery Calibration.

Should I wipe the battery data from CWM? Reflash ROM? Any suggestions?
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30% seems too high for shut down but the Nook does seem to tun off without warning when it reaches a certain threshhold. Do you have any profiles, governors or apps set that are set to shut down at a certain point? It couldn't hurt to wipe the battery stats.
The only governor that I know about is the performance inside the Phiremod settings. I have it set to interactive. I will wait until 100% and then try and wipe battery stats, recalibrate the battery and see what happens. Unless there are other suggestions.....
I would go with the recalibration process for start.
Seems that this is the problem.

Sent from Nook Color on Cm7 Nightly 129 @1.300Mhz
As a comparison, my NC flashes that I'm at 15% battery and should recharge soon - don't know what's different.
I am having the same problem, phiremod v6.3 and every night around 19% it just shuts off without warning and wont turn on until I plug it in. But my battery life seems to be around 8+ hours. I also have to leave it on the charger for a while after the "n" goes green to get the 100% reading.