Battery Status in Notification Bar


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2011
While looking for Tips I didn't know about, I saw a video where the battery status (percent and time-remaining) were shown in the left-hand notification list. Does anyone know how that is set up?

While looking for Tips I didn't know about, I saw a video where the battery status (percent and time-remaining) were shown in the left-hand notification list. Does anyone know how that is set up?


There are modificatioss that can customize you firmware to do what you are asking for. Many of the cyanogen mods have battery % in the notification bar.

What works for me is a simple app that displays battery % in the bar. Its nag-ware, but I never even open the app- so it never nags. I just want an easy display in %

The app is called Battery (Save and monitor) by Jupiter Apps

Its small and simple. But there are dozens of apps to do that and more.
I found an application called BatteryMinder.

It can Display the % value in the notication bar, and a time-remaining estimate in the notifications list. It will also play audible alerts for low battery and when the battery reaches 100% charge.


BatteryMinder didn't meet all the requiremets I had for the application. BatteryMinder did display the time remaining in the notifications list, but it only ha a little number in the upper-left corner showing the percent-left. I wanted a nice battery icon with color (green=full; yellow=getting low; red=really low.) Maybe it could be partially filled like the OE (4.4) battery icon.

I also tried GSam Battery Monitor. It had a nice colored battery icon, but it took 15 minutes to calculate the time-remaining value.
Have you tried Battery HD? It lets me use my battery level as wallpaper and calibrates my music. The same folks also put out Flashlight HD LED that I have on my phone, which unfortunately doesn't have a built-in flashlight.
Have you tried Battery HD? It lets me use my battery level as wallpaper and calibrates my music.
No thanks, I've tried it already. All I want is a big, horizontal, color-coded battery icon in the upper-left corner, and a time-remaining value in the notification.I don't needs any widgets or other add-ons.

ALL Battery-minder applications need to be modified to account for the new HD devices with either bigger icons, or scale-able icons.
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