Blogger Pictures??


Aug 27, 2012
I have an Asus T700 Tablet & just beginning to learn...but my question today is: I have BLOGGER PICTURES that showed up in my gallery & it wont let me delete them, only select & scroll, and I can't find them in any folder on my tablet. Where did they come from & how did they get there and how do I delete them?
Hi SHH, congratulations on your new Asus TF700 and welcome to the forum. I'm moving your thread to the Asus TF700 Forum for you, where more people are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Welcome to the forum SHH

The Gallery is a peculiar app, (I'm being kind). I abandoned using it for anything long ago. The problem is that most of what you see there are really shortcuts to the actual file which is likely in a totally different place. It can get confusing a best and aggravating at worst.

I suggest you install QuickPic which will probably locate the original file and allow you to delete it.