

Oct 31, 2011
I'm trying to get my bookmarks synced from Google Chrome onto my A500 however when i do this all i get is the bookmarks that appear on the bar on my chrome desktop browser and none that are in the folders. I did succesfully sync my bookmarks when I first turned on my tablet but once i updated it to the latest version of Honeycomb it now has this error.
I noticed it wasn't updating any changes to bookmarks so i reset the browser and now only get about 10 bookmarks syncing.
Is there a fix for this or a way to uninstall the latest version of honeycomb without doing a factory reset.

Thanks for any replies.
Your question is covered in another thread about bookmarks. Please read.
Your question is covered in another thread about bookmarks. Please read.


I have tried searching but could find nothing to answer my question. All I can find is instruction on how to set up the sync but I already know how to do this.

My problem is that the bookmarks that appear on the bookmark bar appear but any in folders do not sync(However the folders themselves do sync)

I have tried searching but could find nothing to answer my question. All I can find is instruction on how to set up the sync but I already know how to do this.

My problem is that the bookmarks that appear on the bookmark bar appear but any in folders do not sync(However the folders themselves do sync)

I'll be back with an answer.

Sorry Alpha but I believe you need to talk to Icebike. I know that he does give an explanation on how to do it. I haven't sync'ed annything.
My Daughter has asked me about sorting bookmarks. So maybe I'll have an answer for you as well.

back as soon as I can.
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I have tried searching but could find nothing to answer my question. All I can find is instruction on how to set up the sync but I already know how to do this.

My problem is that the bookmarks that appear on the bookmark bar appear but any in folders do not sync(However the folders themselves do sync)

Apparently you problem has existed since Honeycombe 3.1 not just 3.2. According to Google Support they are looking into it.
Browse this:

Chrome bookmarks not syncing in Honeycomb - Google Chrome Help
Thanks Douvie.

Looks like it'll not be happening for a while. Decided to use Google chrome to phone extension which lets me send individual links to the tablet. Works well enough but obviously is a manual process.
I don't know what to tell you about this, other than it works perfectly with my Acer and my Gmail account.
Its virtually instant also.

I added a link way down in a complex folder structure, on my desktop machine. I turned to my acer, opened up the
stock browser's bookmarks and there it was. Already there.

Then I tried the reverse, bool marking something on the acer. At first I didn't see it on the desktop,
but 40 seconds later it was there.

So check all your settings in both browsers, and also in the Acer settings / accounts and sync.
Make sure the Sync Browser is checked in only one of your Gmail accounts, and make sure that
is the only account that your desktop browser logs in with.

If your desktop browser doesn't log in automatically, set it to do so.
No Worries. Glad to be of assistance. Just sorry that I couldn't give you something better than what the link was saying. Currently I don't have the problem because I don't sync anyhting on my tab. And as the link suggested it is not just the A500 that has the problem - Xoom and ASUS tablets and etc.

have a Good Day.