bricked 7035 , How to get to recovery?

Folken, well now the tablet is stuck and won't go past setup screen. Keeps failing, any idea where the stock firmware is located? I looked around and can't find it. Thanks for the help.

Sent from my Dell Streak 7
So do you have access to the Desktop after the crash? Can you still use adb and copy and modify files? If you could shell in, go to superuser and logcat what has been happening there may be a chance we could tweak what is causing the problem?
It never makes it past the date selection point. I tried to adb in but without the developer option ticked I can't do anything. I would need either fastboot or the firmware to recovery it at this point. going to download your dump and see if there is any way to get the stock recovery to flash the system.img. Even though I know it won't work. Just wish these things had fastboot, would be so much simpler.
I have a similar problem with my 7035. As you say without ADB I can´t revert the change I did to build.prop (changed LCD from 120 to 140) My desktop shows error message SYSTEM UI STOPPED.

In this forum I found a post by Folken with the Dump files from a 7035 rooted and with g. play. Here is the link

Please let me know if you found a factory ROM or a way to use the Dump files
Hi my name is Andrew. I just joined. I had a similar problem with the 7035 and the factory reset won't work. I did the volume down button thing and It keeps freezing on the Coby screen even after I cleared everything. Since I'm new to tablets I have no idea what to do. Any help would be nice. Thank you.