Browser for Android 4.x OS Supporting File:// or Local Filesystem Reading

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Sep 19, 2012

I never seen android 4.x and any browsers for it, but I'm looking for a tablet to buy with this OS as it's been recommended to me by my friends, for use in education/travelling.
Problem I'm facing now is that I don't know if there is a web browser that is capable of navigating through local contents that I saved to my tablet from my PC.
I need to grab few text websites that I'll often be referring to in offline, that is, dictionaries and other such stuff.
What exactly is a browser application that can open locally-saved html"s?

Thank you.
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It wouldn't be a browser, but a file manager would do it and most of the file managers will allow you to look at local content on the tablet. There are a few apps that would allow you to use your browser on your PC to also browse the contents on your tablet. WiFi file Explorer, WiFi File Manager, and iDisplay all will work.
Sorry, if I didn't describe it clear enough...

I need to know if there is a WEB (HTML) browser application supporting loading of LOCAL HTML files.
Sorry, if I didn't describe it clear enough...

I need to know if there is a WEB (HTML) browser application supporting loading of LOCAL HTML files.

OK, better. ;) Yes and no. If you locate an HTML file on your tablet with a file manager and tap it it will offer to open in your browser of choice.

As an example, I export all my bookmarks to an HTML file and save it to my home screen so any time I want to access a link I can specify which of several browsers I wish to open it in depending on what I plan to do.

I am not aware off the top of my head that any of the browsers I have seen have a file open option to open an HTML file directly from the browser.

Did that answer it? I hope.
I downloaded a page from Dolphin. Used ES File Explorer to open the file, opened it in Firefox Beta. It opened the address: file:///sdcard/download/test.html

Dolphin was also able to open the file.

Also, ES File Explorer has a HTML Viewer that comes with it as well I believe that can be used.
Thanks everyone for your fast reply!
Frederuco thanks for testing!
I didn't know firefox existed for Android and file proto was exactly the solution I've been looking for. I don't believe it may really fail to open other files by relative links like file2.html dir/file.html or fail to load images like from paths img/image.png, image.png etc? Frederuco, would you be so kind to test that for me too? It'd be really disappointing to find out it doesn't work after purchase :(

Also, if any of you have time, please take a look at my other thread related to picking up tablet:
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