Buying tablet for daughter, need help finding one with right features, very confused


Nov 30, 2010
Been lurking for a while now and searching. BUT, I am looking for a tablet preferably under $250. Any size between 7 & 10".

It must have Android 2.2

I would like it to have:

memory expansion slot like MicroSD
USB port/ports
Fast CPU
either screen type is fine with me as long as it works good, multi-touch prefered

I have been looking at the following but they are missing certain things I will note:

Herotab M802/APAD IMX515 Android 2.2 Flash 10.1 800MHz Gsensor A8 CPU+FREE Leather Case
Lacks market, GPS, Multi-touch

Herotab MID816 Android 2.2 Flash 10.1 1.2GHz Multitouch Gsensor HDMI
Lacks GPS, bluetooth. I am leaning the most to this tablet so far

So what tablets do you all recommend? there was a thread on here that had several tablets listed for recommendation and now i cant find it????? I have looked at so many they are all starting to blur together....

THANK YOU for your time and consideration in helping me with my decision!
I've been looking for approximately the same specs for two 10 yr old girls. Bottom line, besides the Samsung Tab, there really isn't a truly STABLE and AVAILABLE tablet out there to buy right now. Those two you referenced are towards the top of my list. I would just wait, but we have chosen an android tablet as our main Xmas gifts for these girls. I would buy the Archos 101 or 70, but they aren't available. I would buy the new Viewsonic, but it's basically an unusable brick so far. I'm not getting them an iPad (I loathe Apple). Really intriguing is the upcoming Notion Inc Adam.... but who knows when it will be available. I've searched, researched, scoured various boards, google - right now it is a roll of the dice and VERY slim pickings to find a 2.2 multi-touch android tablet that can truly run Flash. Any chinese offering is likely to be extremely buggy. I am waiting for reviews from anyone who recieves the Herotab MID826 as it seems to be the best option that "should" soon be available. If users say it is reasonably stable and usable, I'll pull the trigger and buy two.
"" comes up with nothing on a google search. Which tablet did you buy exactly? I have found this tablet that may work: Herotab M802/APAD IMX515 Android 2.2 Flash 10.1 800MHz Gsensor A8 CPU+FREE Leather Case

Watching the video of this tablet it seems the touch screen, while not multitouch or capacitive, is still quite responsive. That will probably work well enough. One review of this tablet said it didn't run flash sites well however. Other sites have this same tablet available also.
I bough a 8 inch apad with android 2.2, but without a multi touch screen, it's working very well anyway. i love the android 2.2 OS, and the Processor of this apad also meets my requirement, maybe you can find a satisfy one on

Which one did you buy? Link?
That is tough to find all of that on a tablet under $200. It is especially hard because some tablets are advertised as having 2.2 but can't actually view flash or are extremely buggy.
Well I cracked the whip and bought this:

Witstech A81E+ Gsensor Android 2.2,800MHz Market+Case+Bluetooth Removable battery

I looked at several sites with this same tablet but not all are the same, you have to watch because some dont have the Gsensor and if you want it, search/buy carefully. I went with these guys because I felt with the free keyboard it was the best buy I could find. I did go ahead and add the GPS option. The car charger alone is almost worth the $15 so why not. I just think that the size will be right for my daughter and there is extensive support out there. I decided not to go with the G model because we dont have 3G here and who gives a **** if it is a mini-USB or full size really? I decided to save the money and get her a 16GB class 6 card instead off Ebay.

I was going to go with the Herotab 802 till I read some reviews saying they couldnt get youtube to play on it. I am sure it will have a fix for that soon but I dont want to mess with waiting for something like that. I think we are going to see how this works and if we like the tablet, I think I am going to get the MID816 for my wife once I start seeing some reviews on it only if they are positive. She wants a Kindle but I am hoping she will like this as I think you get more for your money with these. Let's hope I made the right decision!!
wish i would have done my homework....i have an animated paperwieght for about the same price. well done!
do u know anything about hooking up sms to work on the tablet 2.0 ? mine doesnt work, i dont know if i have to set up something to make it work.? i have wifi connected, though i have no ideaaa what to do.... it always says i am not registered...?