Camera glass lifting


Mar 22, 2011
This keeps happening. It seems the glue is really bad on the top half of the square of flass the covers the camera lense. It lifts on the top half to the point where it's almost the full thickness of the glass (about a millimeter or so). The bottom half seems to stay secured.

To be honest, I would never noticed if it wasn't for my hand feeling the sharp, raised edge when I'm holding it.

Pressing in makes it go back in, but after a couple days, it goes back to sticking out.

Am I the only one who's experiencing this? I think it's been more than 14 days since launch, right? So I guess I'm screwed and should just live with it?
I haven't experienced this, nor have I heard of anyone else with this problem, but whether youre past your return date or not, I would think the 1 year warranty that came with it from Acer should cover that. Did you also purchase a separate warranty?
I haven't experienced this, nor have I heard of anyone else with this problem, but whether youre past your return date or not, I would think the 1 year warranty that came with it from Acer should cover that. Did you also purchase a separate warranty?

Yea, I just really don't want a replacement unit. I'd hate to have to re-download everything. I guess I should call acer. The wait is the worst part, which is why I was hoping maybe Best Buy would do it, though I think it's past the 14 days now...

Try a little dab of Crazy Glue...

I thought of doing this actually, though I dont want the glue to show, and I don't want that to be a problem if they see I did that, God forbid I need to return it for any other reason.

For all Iconia users, you will probably have to do this one day. The amount of glue holding this glass on makes the back of a postage stamp seem like super glue!

After just pressing it in not even a half hour ago, the glass was already lifting. I ever so gently pulled up with my nail and the whole thing came clean off!

I quickly (before dust got in there) grabbed some super glue here at work (we have a drawer of all sorts of glue for some odd reason...), and dabbed the loctite glue on the end of an undone paper clip. I dabbed all four sides and let it set.

The warning here is.. I accidently got a little bit of glue (like a hair thin) on the clear part of the glass, that the camera sees out of. If you do this, there is NOT a lot of room for the glue to be, and kinda hints as to why there was hardly any glue put on the top portion by Acer themselves. Take a deep breathe, and calmly pull the glue off with the tip of your finger, and it will come off if you dont let it sit, without damaging the glass.

Wait about 5 minutes and slowly guide the glass back down where it was. There's no real set groove for the glass to sit.. so you have to do a good job lining it back up so it looks like it's a stock job.

I applied pressure for a few minutes. It's been sitting for about 5 minutes now, with no sign of pulling up. I'd suggest doing this if you have the same problem as me.
Why do you think all Iconia users will have this problem? It could have been just yours with not enough glue.
Why do you think all Iconia users will have this problem? It could have been just yours with not enough glue.

Because there's literally no place for the glue to hold down the glass on the top. The bottom of the glass was fine and there's plenty of glass touching the casing, but with the hole for the camera, and the fact there's a giant hole where the camera is under the glass, and not a lot of casing for the glass to be glued onto at all, it just seems like a poor design.

Take also into consideration that my previous Android device was a HTC Evo 4G, which had a major problem with lifting glass, so I'm also a bit paranoid haha.
Same problem here on mine. Just noticed it yesterday when my hand passed near to the camera. I was/am contemplating the super glue task, just trying to build the bravery needed to completely rip off the glass.
Mine has been doing this, and if I had any superglue around the house I would have fixed it by now. I would recommend applying the glue not to the glass, but to the metal underneath. Easier, I think, to keep it where it belongs.
You can add me to the list also. I pulled mine off and super glued it and it's holding like a champ. The only thing is I would agree with putting the glue on the casing and not the glass.
My first one was doing this after 2 weeks of light usage. I got a replacement unit and I can see it beginning to happen again! 2 out of 2 - pretty poor!
mine is doing the same . perhaps when i get my roocase it wont even be noticed again......
acer, you listening?
yeah I noticed that I've got the problem too. I'll attend to it if the problems gets worse.
Just checked my wife and daughter's tab - one has the problem, the other does not. No real problem - if it really starts to peel off I'll glue them in.