can i tether my pandigital novel with my samsung galaxy ?


Jun 2, 2012
can or how can i hook up my samsung galaxy to get internet on my pandigital novel?
i can tether my laptop with my galaxy to get internet and it works fine but i cant figure out how
or what settings i need to do on the novel
the reason i need to do this is i have absolutely no way of having wifi and dont want to have another bill to pay for wifi.

ive searched google and found others asking the same question but with no answers.
any and all info is greatly appreciated.
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If you cannot see the WiFi from your Galaxy on your tablet, chances are your phone is using an Ad-hoc network instead of an Infrastructure network. Some versions of Android (ICS for sure) do not like Ad-hoc for some reason. You may be able to get around this by rooting, but I am not sure 100% on that.

Your best bet is to use Bluetooth to tether if your tablet has BT. After pairing go into the connection settings on the tablet (wrench or sliders to the right of the phone name in the bluetooth settings) and tick the Use for Internet box.

You can also try the app FixFi and see if it works with that.
thanks for the welcome and info Frederuco.
i forgot to mention i was meaning tethering by usb port.that is how i tether my laptop to my phone to get internet on my laptop.
when i plug my usb cord into my laptop from my phone all i have to do is go into my wireless settings on my phone and check the tether box and i automatically
get an interent connection on my laptop.
i will give your info a try and see if that works.
The issue is getting drivers for your Android Tablet to recognize your Android phone. I have not seen any (you would think it would just work because they are both Android, but it does not).

If you get the other methods working, you can still tether via USB to your tablet to keep your phone charge (but it will drain your tablet battery quicker)
i figured it out. there is mobile ap 3g setting on my phone i set that up and when i turned wifi on on the pd novel it found my phone right away thru the wifi.
my pd novel doesnt have bluetooth and i didnt know i could use my phone to transmit a wifi signal to it. thanks for the info.