Can't play flashcards on Galaxy Tab with Android 2.2


Sep 11, 2011
I'm studying for some exams and there are flashcards available for PPCs but I can't seem to get them to work on my tablet. The errors I get are: for .swf "load BIOS failed. The BIOS files must be specified in the settings"; for .exe "Mime-type. Unknown mime-type for this file"; html "web page not available. The requested file was not found." I have Adobe Flash Player 10.3 installed on my computer and I can play flash games online but don't know if it has to be stored on a specific location on my SD. I googled and downloaded a flash game player but that doesn't work for me either.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to play .swf files? I'd love to be able to study on the go wherever I am.