changing internal memory name from sd and external to sd


Nov 4, 2011
I am trying to install programs that hold the info on my external card. The problem in=s that the 2gig free on the internal card is listed as sd and the external is listed as sd1.
All the programs are looking for the external card to be sd so they only look at the internal card for the data. Can I either change the tablet to show the external card as sd not sd1 or can I edit the programs to look for sd1 as the external card.
No one has any suggestions to my posted questions? Or is there a time limit a noob has to wait for a response to his posts?
Welcome fellow newbie. Not sure what model you have but it appeas similiar to what i am tryin to do. In applications is the move to sd greyed out? If so then you will need to make a root change. If you search for app to sd you should find the instrucions.
I have found responses iffy, depending on my question. Got several things i am trying to learn/figuire out and most have been found trying variations of search words versus getting an actual reply.

Good luck on your search.

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