Charging problem with Velocity Cruz Tablet


Mar 31, 2011
hi everyone,

for some reason when charging my cruz the percentage it shows thats done charging goes from 32% to will never go higher than 50%. I'm not sure whats up with it. Do I maybe need a new battery? If so, does anyone know where you can purchase an extra one? I saw one on the velocity site, but it's $40 which seems like a lot.

Is your battery not charging or is it just telling you it's at 50%? In other words, have you tried using it to see how long the battery lasts? It might be just a bug in the charging icon, which you might be able to live with.
you're right,turns out it's just the charging dock display bc the battery seems to be at full charge. thanks.

is the 2.0 firmware the latest?
you're right,turns out it's just the charging dock display bc the battery seems to be at full charge. thanks.

is the 2.0 firmware the latest?

I just have to say that my Cruz tablet (t301) has the same little quirk. I've found that if I restart it right after I pull it from the charger the display will jump from 50% to a fully charged green all the way 100% charged look.
For R101 2.0 would be the highest as of now.
Try a freeware battery app, like battery snap, or battery booster, they give good statistics along with a usage chart.
Glad yours is working!
well, my tablet is not holding a charge but to tell you the truth i don't even know what the green light means...
also i have to turn it off and plug the charger in to see the green light....any advice on what it can be?