Chinese rom 2.0.1.


Mar 3, 2013
Chinese firmware based on v2.0
Download ONDA972-OPFT-2.0.1.zip_??????|??? ??-?????

Info @ ¡¾°º´ïÍæ¼Ò¹Ì¼þС×é¡¿4ÔÂ3ÈÕ¸üÐÂ972Ëĺ˹̼þ2.0.1 - Powered by Discuz!

If you do want to install, Install as local update to V2.0.

Brush: If you use the OTA upgrade program updates, guaranteed to be the official Recovery If you are using third-party Recovery, please enter the recovery upgrade, otherwise it will cause infinite loop in the boot animation. The upgrade will format the data partition, your own backup. The built-in card, you can create a preinstall directory, you need to install the program on the inside, the boot can be automatically installed for the first time.
Last paragraph copied translation from site.
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Does anybody know of a mirror for this file? have been trying for days to download it form the Chinese site but it always fails.