Coby Kyros MID 8048 sd card problem please help.


Aug 12, 2013
I bought a coby kyros mid8048 (not rooted) 3 weeks ago if works fine since the other day then all of a sudden I can't access my sd card when I go to gallery the error says "No Storage, No external storage available" and when I try to use the camera the error says "Insert sd card before using the camera", but the sd card is already inserted when I go to setting>storage> I can see that my sd card is mounted. I tried to factory data reset and put a check on "erase sd card" and "erase everything" an error appeared saying "sd card has been remove". but when I try to factory data reset and leave erase sd card uncheck and erase everything it reset my tablet but still have the same problem. would rooting my device will solve the problem? I don't root it because I don't have enough knowledge about rooting android devices and I'm affraid to brick my tablet. I hope u can help with my problem thank you.
Rooting wont help you, as you don't know what you did to cause this, just like many other users that have a 7048, 8048 and so on. This problem has been reported many times as well as lost wifi, yet no one knows what they were doing that caused it. So there is no fix, to fix a problem with a tablet you must undo what was done that caused the problem, seeing no makes backups or know what they were doing when the problem happened then there is nothing to undo.
Sir vampirefo, I found out my cousin used it before the problem started, she told me that she installed "Photoras" took a photo of her self edit her picture on the program then she uninstalled the program. Then when I used it and tried to look on my settings I notice that in the storage tab under the internal storage I saw that the "Others which is my pictures and video, music and download" under the "Apps" is missing. then I tried to open the gallery and the error appeared and in the camera too. but I can access and play the music on the sd card and I can play and install games which download before it happens. Is there anyway to bring back the "Others" tab under "Apps"? thank you for the reply sir vampirefo.
Sir vampirefo, I found out my cousin used it before the problem started, she told me that she installed "Photoras" took a photo of her self edit her picture on the program then she uninstalled the program. Then when I used it and tried to look on my settings I notice that in the storage tab under the internal storage I saw that the "Others which is my pictures and video, music and download" under the "Apps" is missing. then I tried to open the gallery and the error appeared and in the camera too. but I can access and play the music on the sd card and I can play and install games which download before it happens. Is there anyway to bring back the "Others" tab under "Apps"? thank you for the reply sir vampirefo.

I don't see Photoras listed in playstore.