Coby Mid 8048 build.prop


Dec 28, 2012
I'm working on Coby Kryos Mid 8048 for a friend, and tried modifying the build.prop to Nexus S to increase app compatibility. Like an idiot, I forgot to back up the original build.prop, and the tablet didn't like my modifications. Would someone kindly post their build.prop here so I can go in and repair my mistake?
Yes, I have stated several places on this forum, not to modify the build.prop of a telechips tablet, as it will cause problems, if you search this forum, you can find a stock rom I uploaded for 8048, it has a stock build.prop in it.
Yeah, I read that several places on these forums after I'd already modified the build.prop. I found the file in the zip and made the modifications to go back to stock. Is it me, or is the stock OS on this tablet really unstable? I mean, it makes Windows 3.1 look good.
quick question... did you just replace your build.prop with the build.prop of the nexus S? cuz i modified my 8048 to mirror the razr hd and havent had any problems... but i only modified 4 tags not replaced the entire thing. jw

i even got the helo tc app whichs works flawlessly with this cool little helicopter