Coby Mid7012-4g


Dec 2, 2011
Hi! I will first off admit I know nothing about tablets. I bought this tablet for my 11 year old daughter. She loves to play and watch movies on my phone and she asked for a tablet for Christmas. I saw where others have loaded the App Market. Right now all it has is getjar. I tried using the other instructions to download the market. I tried to get the googleservicesframework.apk to install and it wouldn't install. all the other apk's did except that one.

There are many tutorials about how to do it, even posts specifically for 7012. You must install GoogleServicesFramework first, and only then install the other apps. Uninstall and try again.
Strange, and it makes no sense at all, but uninstalling and reinstalling really fixes things.

Sort of like when you kick something and it starts working....