Confused owner of Coby Kyros MID7014


Apr 6, 2012
I hope someone can help me. I have not seen much help for the MID7014 Which I just recently purchased.
I am try to get my kindle books from my pc to my MID7014 Can someone tell me how to do this? I have installed Aldiko app and yes it offers many good books but I have so many on my pc that I truly would like to be able too read as I travel. That was sole purpose of purchasing Coby.
I am also trying to get Crackle app from GetJar to work every time I go to movie link it tells me I need to upgrade adobe flash then when i click link to do so it tells me I am not authorized to do this? WHY? Please someone help!
You should be able to drag and drop ebook to your external card and importt them tto adilko, thats whhat i did witth my coby kyros mid 7012. I also downloaded and installed google play. (Market.apk).