Did I Brick my 7127? Different ways to reboot/restore?


May 20, 2012
Hello all! Well...I thought I would try something STUPID and try to install the ICS 7022 on my 7127. Well I did the CWM recovery trick downloading the recovery file with ICS on it and booted into CWM recovery loading the new file....

Well it looked to start to download but when it rebooted it went to the COBY screen....then continued to the ANDROID screen....but it STOPPED THERE!!!!! I have let it sit for a LONG time and it is NOT passing the ANDROID point.

I tried the SDK recovery method (adb reboot recovery in the platform tools section) but the prompt says error:device not found!!!!!

I can boot to FASTBOOT but have NO IDEA how to use FASTBOOT.

My questions are:
#1-Can I boot into CWM recovery from FASTBOOT? Or can I even RESTORE to STOCK from fastboot? (I do NOT CARE if I lose anything as I had nothing on it)
#2-Is there a way I can boot into CWM recovery with SDK tools? What files do I need? I am pretty sure I have the correct files...my laptop is running Win 7 and when I plugged in the tablet prior it said it installed the drivers abd I hear the twin tone stating the computer knows it's there!

Any help would be GREAT!