Disable all phone features


Nov 14, 2010
How do I disable all phone features? I am strictly using the tablet with Wifi.

Whats apps can I uninstall that are for the phone?

Does anyone know how to use the front camera for chat?


I would also like to know how to disable the phone features. Not that they're causing any problems, I just don't need them taking up space!

I haven't attempted to do a video chat ... but I did figure out how to take pictures with the front camera! It's simply a menu option ... I felt like a fool once I figured out how easy it was!

YI too am using my Gtab strictly WiFi and don't need phone. However, if I could tether using Bluetooth I would probably try it!
Turn on airplane mode under wireless settings.

Sent from my PC36100 using Android Tablet Forum App
You can place the tablet into airplane mode, but you'll have to reenable the wifi afterwards.

Sent from my Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
They are currently working on a fix for video chat using Fring, and I believe Qik is too.
once rooted you can use a program called "root manager" to delete any app and/or service you dont want but BE CAREFUL if you dont know what you are doing. You WILL screw up your tablet by haphazardly deleting programs. I know from experience, but know enough how to get it back up and running. I dont use mine for phone either, and will try to delete a few and let you know whats OK to delete to save space.

Turning on airplane mode will only shut off the service.
I wanted a widget to make toggling airplane mode a bit simpler. Tried a couple but they're not killing my TMob connection, only wifi. Airplane mode works fine via the regular menu. Anybody else have this issue or know a widget that definitely works? Thanks.
I have been using Dazzle and it works real good. I can turn off the radio, put in to airplane mode and keep WiFi on.