Do not opt for 4.4 kitkat update


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2012
Lot's of you will be debating which tablet to spend your money on at this time of the year. Last year was a no-brainer, the nexus 7 was the one to own. 12 months on I'm not so sure. The introduction of 4.4 kitkat OS has been a nightmare for many people. I know all new OS have teething problems but this time it is rendering tablets useless. You won't be able to view vids using the Chrome browser, Dolphin, Opera and now Firefox. Nobody seems to be taking responsibility for this mess - certainly not google. If I can save just one of you wasting your money until kitkat is removed or fixed I will have done a good job.
My OS of choice is still ICS. I really haven't seen any improvements, that benefits me. So very unlikely I will get kitkat.
I think things are working fine on my tablet, but I can do without all the "communication" and "networking" stuff Google puts on your tablet. IMO, if you want to be involved with "social networking," just go to the Church social or hang around after the Service.
You will be able to view videos if those videos are played back using HTML5. Flash is another story, and if your video sites are using Flash, then they're not going to play. The good news is that there is a way to enable Flash on KitKat, if you follow the instructions here.

I understand your discontent, since Flash is like an old friend. When I do finally get a Nexus 5 I will probably go Flashless, simply because my usage pattern for my device is more along the lines of discussion forums than videos. However, I find your accusation of Google not "owning up to this mess" to be nothing more than hyperbole fueled by anger. The fact of the matter is that the decision to wind down Flash support was made a year ago, with everyone using an Android device being given more than sufficient time to ready themselves for the inevitable.

Like it or not, this is the new Android reality, and it's time everyone started getting used to it.
Thanks for your info. The fact is, flash for mobile is not being updated by adobe anyway. Apple iOS never supported flash.

Since I haven't found a way to make flash beyond 10.2 work on my Coby 8065, I actually used the utube app for the first time. Video plays flawlessly. Not my experience with utube and flash. It worked, but...
I thought that months ago. In stead of using Flash on mobile-formatted websites or pages, why not just substitute a link to the YouTube video of the same thing?
I think things are working fine on my tablet, but I can do without all the "communication" and "networking" stuff Google puts on your tablet. IMO, if you want to be involved with "social networking," just go to the Church social or hang around after the Service.

Church is just once a week and some of us have the urge to socialize more often and not necessarily with members only of the same parish.
The 4.4.2 update is now rolling out to all recent Nexus devices (Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 2012, Nexus 7 2013, and Nexus 10) and you should go into Settings and check for a new update! And, if you don’t get it immediately, just wait a while before checking for updates. Mashing the button won’t get you your update any faster.
Is Google that eager to make the their tablets & phones the most popular or leading devices, or are there that many things to fix??? :eek:
Is Google that eager to make the their tablets & phones the most popular or leading devices, or are there that many things to fix??? :eek:

Google products will always get the first new OS or updates, as they should Google after all is making and providing android to everyone.
Is Google that eager to make the their tablets & phones the most popular or leading devices, or are there that many things to fix??? :eek:

Here is the changelog:

  • Fix for clearing the VM Indicator
  • Fix for delivery of the VM Indicator
  • Various additional software fixes
  • Security enhancements
Re4member up backup your stuff if there are a bunch of system updates coming down the pipe.