Downloading .jpg images to tablet sd card while travelling


Feb 6, 2012
I am new to tablets and new to this type of forum. Hope someone can help. I am learning how to use the WonderMedia device. It may be a knock off but I am slowly figuring it out. I still have not figured out how to copy .jpg images to device. The Hong Kong salesman said I just need to plug in the camera car via the USB connection and it would work. Help please -- This doesn't. I can't figure out how to get the card reader driver into the device. Do I need to? Help greatfully needed!
Not really sure what the question is. Your tablet should have come with a USB/ethernet adapter that plugs directly into the tablet. Turn the tablet off. Plug the adapter (looks like a little aluminum box with 2 USB ports on one side and an ethernet port on the end) into the tablet and turn the tablet on. You can read any el-cheapo flash drive to copy pix from your computer to the flash drive. Copying to the tablet use "my pad" or other files program from the market to copy from the flash drive to the tablet. If I have totally confused you, or you have any questions feel free to ask me!