Downloading Pictures and Viewing Pictures on SD card


May 18, 2011
I just bought my A500 tablet today. I am trying to find out how to download pictures from my Canon Digital Elp SD1400. I connected it and tried to view the contents of the camera with both the and the 3D photo browser but they both state "No Media Present".

When I stick the SD card into an USB holder/reader I get the same message. What do I need to do here?
Thanks for the reply. I have never had a tablet before and I am new to android also. There is a lot to learn.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the encouragement, it is a real learning experience. I have a lot of experience in Winows systems, I am running Windows 7 and Vista on my home Pcs but android is like starting over. Once I know which way to go I am ok and will figure it out.

Thanks again.
After a few moments your camera will show up as usb_storage inside the /mnt folder, then you can use a file manager to copy the photos, if you are shooting in RAW you will be out of luck viewing them though. I use File Manager HD for this exact same purpose. Once they are on your device somewhere Gallery will eventually show them. But I recommend JustPictures, adding /mnt/usb_storage as a location.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum

I installed Astro and did as you said but no luck. I then mounted the SD card in a mini reader and after a minute or so they showed up in the /mmt/usb_storage folder. So now I am happy!
You might have to change your cameras USB mode for it to show up on the tablet, try mass class storage

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum