Ecternal memory card getting corrupted?


May 11, 2011
[EDIT] Sorry for the typo in the thread title. :/

I was PO'd to discover last night that my new 32GB microSD card suddenly became corrupted while in my A500! It took me a Windows chkdsk run to get it functioning again and I then had to use the free program Recuva in order to retrieve all of my data!
(Luckily, I got everything back and copied it to my PC before reformatting the card and copying everything back.)

I am not too sure what caused it exactly, but it was working fine in my tablet a couple of days ago and hasnt been in my PC between then and last night. I WAS messing around with the camera a day or two ago and told it to save the pictures to the memory card. I then took a couple test photos and deleted them through the camera's own gallery thing.

Could this have somehow corrupted my memory card?
Has anyone else had this issue? If so, is there a way to prevent it from happening again? It took me a while to recover all of my data and I dont really want to have it happen to me again. :C

BTW: The memory card is a 32GB c10 microSD from WINTEC. I bought it at Fry's Electronics, so it shouldnt be a fake or anything.