Email apk from the email apk of a galaxy tab


Senior Member
Apr 23, 2011
This didn't work on my tablet. I still only have Sylvania's 2.1 firmware. Maybe it will work on the 2.2? I moved in into system/app, and rebooted, but once my device was back up, there was no icon for the default email anymore. I also tried actually running the .apk to "install" it, but it would keep failing. I had to revert back to default email app. Wish it would work, it looks sweet........
This APK does not work on my SYTAB10MT:

Hardware ID:
Android: DG2.2.1-10a2

Installed in /system/apps and rebooted, application icon appears but the app dies on launch.
Just a thought DeathFromAbove, try this once you put it in the system apps

Using Terminal Emulator
#cd /system/app
chown root.root name_of_Galaxy_email_app.apk
Hmmmm.... Interesting; i just found some more threads over the same email apk, i'll post it as soon i'll arrive to my house, maybe one of them has the key to install that apk on our tablet; this would be nice if it will be possible to install over it,