Engineering note taking app? [Request]


Feb 14, 2012
Hello community, I searched for a note taking app on this forum but found dead ends on the threads. I was wondering if anyone can help me find a note taking app for my engineering classes. I need it to be able to type notes that I can save n print (preferably in a 8.5X11 format), but also be able to put hand written equations n graphs in the page as well with a stylus, and then to continue my typed notes. Font colors and a audio recording feature would be great too but not as important as the other features. I found evernote on this forum but it only allows drawings on the side, not in the page (I tried this on my Droid x phone, this might not be true on the tablet.) I don't have a tablet yet (just ordered it) so I was hoping some one could help me please! It doesn't have to be a free app either, I would gladly pay a lot for an app that can do this. Thx for any info
there are several different apps that do this. SuperNote. Evernote. Sketchbook Mobile. there are free ones, and paid ones too.