Epubs in Library - "can't open this book" Message

Moody Hammer

Feb 20, 2011
I've searched and haven't found this discussed, though I'm sure it has had to be.

Over the weekend I side loaded (wirelessly via Samba) 5 epubs onto my SD card. They all show up in the Nook library but will not open. They do open in Aldiko.

I don't have the NC in front of me know, but the error message I received was something to the tune of "can't open this book."

I don't believe these books to be associated with a library in any way.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Thanks!
I've had the opposite (trying to open Nook books in Aldiko, darn copy protection!) but never as you describe. Can you maybe post one of the books in question so we can test on our devices? Could be a setting, could be the file.
I've searched and haven't found this discussed, though I'm sure it has had to be.

Over the weekend I side loaded (wirelessly via Samba) 5 epubs onto my SD card. They all show up in the Nook library but will not open. They do open in Aldiko.

I don't have the NC in front of me know, but the error message I received was something to the tune of "can't open this book."

I don't believe these books to be associated with a library in any way.

Has anyone experienced something similar? Thanks!

Yea, had the same issue and gave up. I tried to figure it out for about 2 weeks.
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