failed in mod bluetooth dongle supporting for A10 tab, any suggestions on it?


Mar 19, 2012
Since I saw there's a 2.3.4 mod for Novo7, so I download the mod and mod in my tab with following work:

1. copied all driver .ko in root\drv + system\lib + and whatever is new and different in the Novo7 mode to the same directory in my tab
2. modified the init.rc and init.sun4i.rc with same commond in the Novo7 mode for bluethooth part.
3. replaced the Settings.apk in system/app in order to have bluetooth option menu

however, after rebooting my tab, with bluetooth dongle connected with the OTG port wire,
I was still unable to turn on the bluetooth.

Since I am to new to Android system, I supposed that what I have done is only the first step for bluetooth dongle support.

For the rest what should I do to make it work?

help pls! thank you!