First tablet impressions. Included stylus (MID7024) to sharp?


Aug 6, 2010
I got my MID7024 the other day and I've really been enjoying it. After calibrating the screen in both views things worked well. Originally thought there was a problem so I used the stylus instead of my finger. I've since gone back to using my finger though. I've used an iPad for a while (work one) but never really used it more then surfing the Internet while playing games in front of my TV. Usually then it was sitting off to the side. With the this one though due to it's size it's not an annoyance to simply hold hit. Though I wont' be doing my e-reading on it. My Kindle is still more comfortable for that.

I've been using it so far for news reading, web surfing, and youtube (got flash installed). Finally got a chance to play Angry Birds to see what the fuss is all about. I'm mainly a console and hand held gamer due to controls and buttons so tablet gaming isn't something I'm really that interested in and I'm still now. Still I can see why people are attracted to the game now. I admit I have been playing it a bit. It's a welcome change then sitting at my PC all the time though. A decent companion to the PC which is what I always assumed tablets would be and are. I thought the lack of the Google Market would be a pain. I never had much experience with it other then trying it briefly on an Android phone but with Amazon's App Store installed I think I'll be okay. I've installed SlideMe and browsed the included AppsLib but haven't gotten anything from them though though. I feel safer spending money on Amazon when the time comes. Just gotten some free apps for now. I wish I could log into the Youtube app but using the browsers to access the youtube site now that flash is working works just as well for the most part.

I'm glad the device itself feels very solid. I was afraid it would feel cheap. Buttons are far to sensitive though. I've accidentally hit them a number of times but luckily the back button just takes me right back to what I was doing. Overall I'm happy with the device. The price for it was exactly what I was looking for. There are times I find myself trying to pinch the screen but it isn't a significant negative at all.

I do have a question about the stylus though that comes with it. It seems far sharper at the tip then the ones I'm used to (Nintendo DS/3DS for example). Anyone know what the chances are of it scratching the screen?
Hi Neo, my 8024 tablet will arrive in a couple of days. Has the same Android OS 2.2 that the 7024 has. Where did you download your flash from AppsLib? What is slide me? How do the videos work so far with flash installed.
...I do have a question about the stylus though that comes with it. It seems far sharper at the tip then the ones I'm used to (Nintendo DS/3DS for example). Anyone know what the chances are of it scratching the screen?

HA! I lost my stylus within days of first getting the 7024. So I wouldn't know. LOL There isn't a 'slot' for it on the device. I guess I could have tried to keep it in that awesome "protective case" that came with it. :)
I believe I got my copy of Flash from here.

Download free Adobe Flash Player app for Android at Freeware Lovers

I think there is a link in other thread but that was to the 10.1 version. I remembered this site had it as well or I think someone else linked to it. Don't really remember. I had read it several days before I got my tablet but just remembered where to go. I went to the site from the tablet itself and it installed just fine. I also installed the YouTube app from there as well.

SlideMe is is another android app market place. SlideME | Android Community and Application Marketplace. You can install it from the link on their page.

The flash videos worked okay for me. I suggest downloading the YouTube app as well though if you want to watch videos from there. Clicking the video in a browser will ask you how you want to play it. I suggest picking the Youtube app as the quality is significantly better then playing it in the browser. It's just easier to search Youtube or access you account from the browser. In another thread you ask what Dolphin was. It's a browser called Dolphin Browser HD. Flash based ads seem to work fine though.

Edit: Hmm. My links got reworded. Interesting.
I was concerned about the stylus also. The few times I used it, it felt like the point might dig in at any moment. Fortunately, I have the stylus from my old Palm Pilot. It has a nice rounded tip, and I have been using it quite smoothly and successfully. I would recommend getting yourself a different stylus just for peace of mind. I know I feel better