Flash Player for Sylvania 7" Tablet


Apr 9, 2011
I just got the Sylvania 7" tablet for my kids and I am trying to get it to play vidoes from Youtube, etc. I keep getting the message that I need to download the latest version of Adobe flash player, but I don't know how to get it to download. I've tried a few different things, but from what I've been seeing online, it seems like adobe flash player doesn't work with this sylvania tablet. Can anyone tell me what flash player I can use with the tablet and how I can get it? Thanks for any help you can give.:eek:
Depending on your Brand of Tablet.... Mine came with a whole other app for watching YouTube videos because there really isn't a "flash player" that you can just install and it works with everything. If you get the Ver 3 of SkyFire it has a little add on that will play some flash videos in the browser, but not all. and not youtube.
look for the YouTube app. if you don't have one I could try to rip the one out of mine and see if it would install on yours..
Thanks for the information. I do have the YouTube app, which I just found, and it does work. However, I was trying to go into an App called something like Kids Zone or something like that, which I found on the slideme app that came on the tablet. By the way, I have the sylvania 7" tablet that I just got at CVS last week for $99. When I went to play the videos in that particular app, it went into YouTube and that is when I get the message the my flash player needs to be upgraded. I am not very tech savvy with this kind of stuff and I have been messing around with it for the past week, going online to get info and just trying to navigate around the actual tablet. It is very confusing if you don't know where to go to do different things. All I really want to do is get some music and a movie on the tablet for my kids to watch. Seems like it should be a pretty straight forward thing, but I have found out that is not the case at all. Anyway, thanks again for the information and if you have anything else about this particular tablet, I would gladly want to hear it. There are apps on there that say music and media center, but again, I have no idea how to get anything into these apps to be able to just click it and see something. As you probably can tell, I don't know much about this stuff.....thanks again.
It really is straight forward. get the music and movies on your PC all in one folder. then copy that folder to a flash drive. then use the USB to MiniUSB cable that came with it to attacht the flach drive.
Then on your app screen run the My Device or My Pad app and hit the udisk tab. tap the folder with your media once to highlight. the hit copy. now hit the SD tab and then hit paste. It will copy your stuff to the sd card.
OR you can just leave it on the flash drive and play it from there.