Flashdrive, keyboard and Bluetooth donglee in Coby Kyros 7024


Oct 19, 2011
Flashdrive, keyboard and Bluetooth donglee in Coby Kyros 7024

Hi. I want to connect a flashdrive, keyboard and Bluetooth donglee in Coby Kyros 7024, how can i do it? the coby do not recognized any of them! I was reading some post here and i could do not find an answer to my question.

In a post i had read that with a power widget it can be solved. I try with PowerWidget, USB host switch and AndroidAssintant, no one works. I still can not make my Kyros recognized any usb accessory. Please Help!!

Sorry for my crappy english and thanks!
The widget is a shortcut. You must put USB in "host mode": go to Settings -> Advanced Settings, look at the very bottom. Not all flashdrives work tho, it seems that some may require too much power from USB and won't mount (it's in /udisk btw).
The widget is a shortcut. You must put USB in "host mode": go to Settings -> Advanced Settings, look at the very bottom. Not all flashdrives work tho, it seems that some may require too much power from USB and won't mount (it's in /udisk btw).

Hi. I already have the USB Bus Mode ON ( Settings -> Advanced Settings, USB bus Mode on) exactly how you said and still do not work. :(
I assumed that is that what you said about the power requirement from the USB (I tried with three different flashdrives, one keyboard, and a bluetooth dongle and any of works), so stressing! Ha... :(

Thank for you answer!! I will buy another more flashdrive to see if it works.
The widget is a shortcut. You must put USB in "host mode": go to Settings -> Advanced Settings, look at the very bottom. Not all flashdrives work tho, it seems that some may require too much power from USB and won't mount (it's in /udisk btw).

Muito obrigado pela sua ajuda! ;)
Hi. I already have the USB Bus Mode ON ( Settings -> Advanced Settings, USB bus Mode on) exactly how you said and still do not work. :(
I assumed that is that what you said about the power requirement from the USB (I tried with three different flashdrives, one keyboard, and a bluetooth dongle and any of works), so stressing! Ha... :(

Thank for you answer!! I will buy another more flashdrive to see if it works.

No, don't buy anything. It must work with a keyboard or at least with a mouse. If it doesn't, then something else is wrong. Use the cable that came with your Kyros, make sure everything is properly connected. If even then it doesn't work, put USB in device mode again, turn on Debugging in the tablet and use the other USB cable to connect to your computer. Does it recognize the tablet? Do you see the debug icon in the notification bar of your tablet?
No, don't buy anything. It must work with a keyboard or at least with a mouse. If it doesn't, then something else is wrong. Use the cable that came with your Kyros, make sure everything is properly connected. If even then it doesn't work, put USB in device mode again, turn on Debugging in the tablet and use the other USB cable to connect to your computer. Does it recognize the tablet? Do you see the debug icon in the notification bar of your tablet?

Oi cara! Eu tentei com um mouse, e o kyros não reconheceu ele. Depois eu fiz o mesmo com o cable USB de conexão para o computador, e o computador reconheceu sim o tablet. Na tela da tablet se viu isso que vc diz, a notificação para ele conectar-se, eu acetei e pode ver os arquivos do tablet no computador... Então eu acho que não é problema com o software... o que poder ser? :s isto está me ficando mal!!

Hi. Can a write in Portuguese? or just is allowed english?
Well, i tried with a mouse an it did not recognized. Them a tried as you said with the other cable, the one to connect to a PC. Its works perfectly. I put USB mode ON and debugging on in both cases. with the PC no problem, but with mouse, flasdrive, keyboard and bluetooth dongle nothing happens.

PD: sorry my crappy english and meu ruim português... meu língua materna é o espanhol. kkkkk :D
Oi cara! Eu tentei com um mouse, e o kyros não reconheceu ele. Depois eu fiz o mesmo com o cable USB de conexão para o computador, e o computador reconheceu sim o tablet. Na tela da tablet se viu isso que vc diz, a notificação para ele conectar-se, eu acetei e pode ver os arquivos do tablet no computador... Então eu acho que não é problema com o software... o que poder ser? :s isto está me ficando mal!!

Hi. Can a write in Portuguese? or just is allowed english?
Well, i tried with a mouse an it did not recognized. Them a tried as you said with the other cable, the one to connect to a PC. Its works perfectly. I put USB mode ON and debugging on in both cases. with the PC no problem, but with mouse, flasdrive, keyboard and bluetooth dongle nothing happens.

PD: sorry my crappy english and meu ruim português... meu língua materna é o espanhol. kkkkk :D

Your portguese isn't bad (my spanish is much worse lol), but I think that in English more people will understand...

Well, the it seems that your tablet's USB port is working since you were able to see the SD cards on your computer. If you are sure you changed it to Host Mode when tried to use a keyboard or mouse, then most probable cause is the cable, I guess. Did you use the one that came with the tablet? Try using another one, it's not easy to find one but I think you should try. Change to Host mode and connect to your computer to make sure it's in host mode: computer won't detect anything. Then unplug and try the kb/mouse.
Your portguese isn't bad (my spanish is much worse lol), but I think that in English more people will understand...

Well, the it seems that your tablet's USB port is working since you were able to see the SD cards on your computer. If you are sure you changed it to Host Mode when tried to use a keyboard or mouse, then most probable cause is the cable, I guess. Did you use the one that came with the tablet? Try using another one, it's not easy to find one but I think you should try. Change to Host mode and connect to your computer to make sure it's in host mode: computer won't detect anything. Then unplug and try the kb/mouse.

Hi! I did that what you told... Try with PC and then the flashdrive and now the kyros do recognize all, flashdrive, mouse, Kb... !! Thanks a lot!! :D :D :D :D