forgotten unlock pattern


Apr 27, 2011
how can i restore access to system after i forgot unlock pattern? With google branded devices you are able to use your google account, with ziio there should be some other way out, right?:)

ziio 10 is updated to 2.2
Some workarounds to try before reading ahead:
1. try entering null as password. (together with your google username)
2. try entering your username without
3. Combine 1 and 2
4. Call yourself from another phone, answer, without hanging up press the home button, then menu button, settings, try to disable pattern-lock
5. Call yourself from another phone, answer, hang-up, directly after hanging up start pressing your buttons like a madman for <30-60 seconds ending with your home button (might take a while to get the timing right). Go into settings and disable pattern-lock.
6. Try the normal recover password routine from and start over from 1.
7. Perform a factory reset. YOU WILL LOOSE all not-synced DATA (SD card will be left untouched).
1-6 are possible workarounds, these doesn’t work for everyone but can be worth a try to avoid factory reset. 6. is what should work but hardly never does. 7 – The factory reset always work
Some workarounds to try before reading ahead:
1. try entering null as password. (together with your google username)
2. try entering your username without
3. Combine 1 and 2
4. Call yourself from another phone, answer, without hanging up press the home button, then menu button, settings, try to disable pattern-lock
5. Call yourself from another phone, answer, hang-up, directly after hanging up start pressing your buttons like a madman for <30-60 seconds ending with your home button (might take a while to get the timing right). Go into settings and disable pattern-lock.
6. Try the normal recover password routine from and start over from 1.
7. Perform a factory reset. YOU WILL LOOSE all not-synced DATA (SD card will be left untouched).
1-6 are possible workarounds, these doesn&#8217;t work for everyone but can be worth a try to avoid factory reset. 6. is what should work but hardly never does. 7 &#8211; The factory reset always work

Good post !!!! Thanks for share useful information in this sire....Thanks for share with us.....