formatting microSD in exFAT


Aug 24, 2012
I was unable to use my microSD in my tablet. It seemed to recognise it at first, since it immediately wrote the lost.dir file to it, and I could create a folder on it. But I could not delete or rename that same folder as soon as I had created it; nor could I move or paste files into it. A friend suggested to format the card in exFAT and it seems to work fine now.

Anybody with the same problem — give it a try.

Does anybody have an opinion why FAT32 wouldn't work for me?
Hi again,
having posted my experience with exFAT, it won't work for my new mobile, a Sony Tipo Dual.

After my previous experience, I formatted the 32GB microSD for the Tipo before I put it in. It didn't recognise it. Reformated in FAT32, and it works fine in this case. Guess I won't be watching movies on it.

Has anybody got an idea why the tablet needed exFAT, while the Tipo didn't like it? Both items are running Android 4.

I format it in NTFS it would read as 29.72GB in a phone or tablet