Free anti-virus?


Dec 14, 2011

I got my sony tablet a week ago and it's my first tablet. I was wondering if it's necessary to download a anti-virus for my tablet? If so, are there any free anti-virus apps available for sony tablet and which one is the best?

Thanks a lot.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I think Matt meant Lookout (available for free from the Market), not Outlook. That is a very good choice and I find it to be pretty unobtrusive. There is also Norton, which I honestly don't like nearly as much. Up till now there hasn't been too much of a need for this, but it is definitely becoming more of an issue, and it is not a bad idea.
Thank you for replying. Lookout appears to be an app for mobile phones. I assume that it works just as well for tablets?

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
I use AVG and it seems to work just fine.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Thank you for replying. Lookout appears to be an app for mobile phones. I assume that it works just as well for tablets?

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum

Mine's on my NC and works just fine.
i've been looking at some ratings from users. I'm a little confused now.. is it free or not? is this a trial version that obligates you to buy the full version later? can i remove it from my tablet if i don't like it? all the comments seem to come from people using the samsung galaxy :/
The links I gave you in my post take you directly to the free version. It will do all you need to do and is not a trial or anything like that. If you don't like it, you can delete it, but I can't imagine why you would.
Well,no, mine comes from the Sony S and it said I use AVG. It is free and not a trial version. Any app you can install, you should be able to uninstall if it does not work for you. At any rate, if you do an Android Market search for Antivirus, it will pcrobably give you several options.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum