Galaxy Tab 8.9 - Opinions?


Apr 18, 2011
Hello all.
I recently decided to purchase an Android tablet. Overall, the OS and less restrictive design over competetors was very attractive. I was originally looking for one with the specifications below,

8-16GB of Internal Storage
1GB of Memory
Bluetooth & Wi-Fi
Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)
Tegra or equivelant 1GHz Dual Core CPU
MSD Slot

all in a 7 inch form factor. However, I recently caught wind of the Galaxy Tab 8.9, slated to come out in early summer. The price its slated to come out with is $469- and I expect that to drop slightly after a little while. Based on when that occurs I will then make my final purchase decision. But, more importantly - It seems to have everything I wanted in a Tablet Computer, give or take a bit. It also isn't too big, such as the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer 10" Tablet. Its right in between my original desired size and the 10". I'm really considering it, as there aren't that many 7" Tablets out there with specs like this. I'm also attracted to the larger screen. The main issue I worry about is portability of a device in that size (8.9"). Is it almost as cumbersome as a 10" tablet; simply with a smaller screen, or is it still fairly portable? Quite ironically, I was originally looking at the Galaxy Tab 7" until the Tegra CPU and Honeycomb caught my eye.

Opinions? Does it seem like a worthwhile tablet?
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The Galaxy Tab 8.9 is one I'm considering along with the Galaxy Tab 10.1. According to Samsung's press release, the smaller tab will weigh 125 grams less than the 10.1 and, if my Win7 calculator is correct, that's less than a 4-1/2 ounce difference. There are a number of Android tablets scheduled to become available this summer and fall, and I'm especially interested to see if there will be an Amazon Android "Kindle" made by Samsung. I'm also hoping that prices will drop with increased competition.
I don't get why people are complaining about portability. It doesn't matter what size it is more portable than a laptop/netbook. They weigh far less than a laptop/netbook.

Unless you are wearing a business suit, then you won't be able to put a 7" tablet anywhere except in a little tote bag or man bag or whatever.

Other than that, I think 8.9 tablet is a good device for a good price. You probably won't have to wait too long until the tablet drops in price as well because of the tablet price war. However, you'll probably wait a long time before that happens because this device is slated to come out in June. So a price drop won't come until around December IMO.
I don't get why people are complaining about portability. It doesn't matter what size it is more portable than a laptop/netbook. They weigh far less than a laptop/netbook.

The size and weight are very important in a tablet - being able to hold it in one hand comfortably, for instance. You'd have trouble with that with a 10" tablet. Smaller and lighter Tablets are also slightly easier to bring around - so you do use a bag, you can use a smaller bag ;)

Other than that, I think 8.9 tablet is a good device for a good price. You probably won't have to wait too long until the tablet drops in price as well because of the tablet price war. However, you'll probably wait a long time before that happens because this device is slated to come out in June. So a price drop won't come until around December IMO.
Thanks for the input - its quite useful. I think I'm leaning more and more towards the new GTab - its getting more appealing the more I think about it. Thanks.